Summer Garden Party

Gardens are not just for working in.  From time to time you need to sit down, relax and enjoy the space, perhaps inviting friends around for an informal gathering or a major celebration.

This month saw me come of age (60) and move into a new era of retirement.  It was a great opportunity to set up the garden for a big celebration and it is amazing how it concentrates the mind on getting all those garden jobs done when you have visitors coming.

Dads 60th 2018-9

The large gazebo was erected in the orchard (after a bit of strategic pruning of awkward branches), the tables were laid, the bunting and floral arrangements were hung and the wine opened.

Dads 60th 2018-4

We were very lucky with the weather which proved dry and reasonably warm with the sun coming out from time to time.  We had a lovely outdoor gathering, good food and wine and plenty of relaxed time to chat and meander around the garden between courses.

Dads 60th 2018-1

All in all a birthday party that I thoroughly enjoyed.  Being 60 is proving to be rather fun!

(Photographs by Nick Lucey Photography)